


The 环境al Protection Agency (EPA) helps set national standards and guidelines to protect the environment. 当环境保护署制定可实现的规章制度时,所有美国人都会受益. 

电子竞技赌注的软件有可持续监管的共同目标. In fact, we have a long track record of success working with the EPA to create achievable rules.

EPA is proposing an update to their National Ambient 空气 Quality Standards (NAAQS) for fine particulate matter, PM2.5. 然而,他们的提议威胁到了制造业.电子竞技赌注的软件来看看为什么.


细颗粒物是由空气中微小颗粒的混合物组成的. 它包括灰尘、烟雾、污垢、煤烟和废气.


  • 森林大火
  • 道路灰尘
  • 汽车尾气 
  • 工业设施


美国.S. 享受着当今世界上最干净的空气. 环境空气中PM 2的水平.在过去的20年里,其中的5个呈下降趋势.



PM2的拟议规则.5 NAAQS will further tighten the air quality standard for fine particulate matter.

现行的PM2标准.5 NAAQS为12 ug/m3. This leaves room for economic growth and development, including modernization projects at our mills.

The proposed rule could tighten the standard close to average ambient air background levels, 哪个在8微克/立方米左右. Background levels mean the average air quality from both natural and manmade sources.


The purpose of a permit is to make sure a new manufacturing modernization project doesn’t exceed the standard. A project receives a permit when there is sufficient “headroom” to allow the project.

Headroom is the difference between the standard and the background level that’s already in the air, 包括野火和道路灰尘等自然来源.

在现行的PM NAAQS标准下, the typical headroom available for a new project is about 3 to 6 micrograms (ug). 一个普通的项目添加大约3微克. If you subtract the standard, 12 ug, from the current background levels, 8 ug, that gives you 4 ug.

一个3毫克的现代化项目可以继续进行,因为它少于4毫克. 如果超过4微克,该项目就不会获得许可.


这些地图显示了降低标准如何缩小了达标范围. 达标地区是指符合国家空气质量标准的地区. Green shows what is in attainment and has sufficient headroom for a permit to allow mill modernization projects.

红色表示未达标区域,或不符合标准的位置. 最后, 粉色表示其他更清洁的区域, 但缺乏进行现代化项目的空间.

Many of our paper mills are located in cleaner, attainment areas under the current standard. 这允许现代化项目获得许可.


Any lowering of the standard will result in more non-attainment areas in the U.S. This would threaten many manufacturing industries, including the paper industry.

What’s concerning for paper mills is that many would now be in the pink area and would often not be able to get permits. Lowering the standard would threaten or prevent modernization projects and other major improvements to paper mills.


现代化项目有助于降低每吨产品的排放量. That includes reductions in particulate matter, greenhouse gases, and other emissions.

This standard would also undermine the Biden Administration’s promise to grow and reshore U.S. 制造业的工作岗位. We need to be able to modernize our facilities so we can keep high-paying 制造业的工作岗位 in the U.S.


Our industry is a leader in sustainability, and we are rooted in sustainable practices. 纸 manufacturers work hard to be a good neighbor and environmental steward in communities across our nation.


电子竞技赌注的软件的设施在减少排放方面取得了实质性进展. The paper industry has state-of-the-art air pollution controls on their facilities.

电子竞技赌注的软件还不到总pm2.5的1%.5排放. We have decreased our nitrogen oxide emissions by about 50% and our sulfur dioxide emissions by more than 80% since 2000.

Some of the larger sources of particulate matter in the air are wildfires, dust and exhaust. PM NAAQS规则并没有解决这些更大的来源.

Particulate matter emissions from industrial facilities will continue to go down in the years ahead under current air quality programs.


细颗粒物有许多不同的来源. 一些较大的来源包括:

  • 森林大火
  • 灰尘
  • 废气

目前,建议PM2.规则没有考虑到这些颗粒物的来源. 这些细颗粒物的来源直接影响到公众健康.

固定源包括在PM2中.5个规则, 其中包括造纸厂等工业设施, 占颗粒物总排放量的20%以下.



Lowering the standard could prevent foresters and landowners from being able to use 规定的火灾 to prevent wildfires.

管理和预防野火的最好方法之一是 规定的火灾. 它们是有计划的火灾,有助于实现可持续森林管理目标.

If larger sources of particulate matter are not addressed, then air quality will still be affected.


We 寄了一封信 去白宫 概述了电子竞技赌注的软件对拟议的PM NAAQS标准的关注. 此外,与其他70家制造企业一起, we 警告经济后果 拟议的标准将导致.

The EPA needs to develop an implementation plan before finalizing this rule so our industry has a clear path to achieve it.

目前, the proposed rule uses unrealistic modeling to determine what ambient air quality levels are. A plan based on sound science needs to rely on realistic modeling that accurately reflects real-world conditions.

和, 通过允许现代化项目继续进行, 电子竞技赌注的软件可以继续努力减少排放.

We welcome the opportunity to work together on an efficient implementation plan.






美国森林 & 造纸协会&PA)有助于推动美国的发展.S. paper and wood products manufacturers through fact-based public policy and marketplace advocacy. 林产品工业本质上是循环的. 十大菠菜软件 member companies make essential products from renewable and recyclable resources, generate renewable bioenergy and are committed to continuous improvement through the industry’s sustainability initiative —Better Practices, Better Planet 2030: Sustainable Products for a Sustainable Future. 林产品工业约占美国经济总量的5%.S. 制造业占国内生产总值, 每年生产价值约3500亿美元的产品,拥有约925名员工,000人. The industry meets a payroll of about $65 billion annually and is among the top 10 manufacturing sector employers in 43 states. 访问房颤&私人助理网上网址: sabai55.net 或者在推特上关注电子竞技赌注的软件 @Forestand纸